
AI-powered e-commerce built for flexibility and growth on a global scale

Rising customer expectations present real challenges to online retailers. 顾客期望个性化的服务, seamless and convenient shopping experience with multiple touch points. RSM brings a cross-functional team with a broad array of experiences together to help retailers meet this challenge using Salesforce商务云.

In a Salesforce商务云 engagement, 我们利用我们的用户体验,  设计 and digital vwin娱乐场官方营销 teams alongside our functional and technical architects and developers with deep experience to build the best solution possible. 我们考虑很多事情, 比如客户角色, 旅行, current analytics and friction points, mobile and accessible 设计 and code, all while writing highly performant code that considers your business’s unique requirements and constraints.

How can we make Salesforce商务云 work for you?

作为技术顾问, we focus on delivering business outcomes rather than just technology implementations. We prioritize understanding your unique business and its objectives. With our deep knowledge of the e-commerce industry, particularly in Salesforce商务云, we deliver solutions to navigate the complexities of the online retail landscape.

We not only consider your consumer-facing website, but we also understand the crucial role of integrations with back-office systems, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and order management systems in delivering a seamless customer experience. 在RSM, our collaborative approach produces a seamless organization without barriers between our UX, 设计, vwin娱乐场官方营销, 开发和ERP团队. 通过共同努力, we can provide comprehensive solutions that align all aspects of your e-commerce business to achieve your desired outcomes.

Our team possesses extensive Salesforce商务云 capabilities, 他的工作经验可以追溯到2009年. We have successfully advised small and large businesses, multibrand and multilocale enterprises, and businesses with a large omnichannel footprint. Our background spans various industries, 包括服装, 鞋子, 化妆品, 家具及家居用品. 

We work with our customers to holistically understand their brand and business and translate that into an engaging e-commerce experience that builds trust and loyalty.




RSM helps middle market businesses leverage technology to drive growth and create more efficient processes. Browse our latest posts for advice, perspective and tips.

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